How Habits Can Help You Thrive in Business
How Habits Can Help You Thrive in Business

How Habits Can Help You Thrive in Business

Online MBA Program Infographic

Achieving success in business can’t be simplified into one foolproof strategy. For those pursuing their online MBA degrees, it’s important to understand that different career paths demand different skills. That being said, the ever-changing world of business will always offer opportunities to people with a success mindset.

The key to preparing for the unexpected in business is the formation of habits that lead to success.

The Habits of Successful Business Leaders

Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 AM; MIT President Rafael Reif doesn’t skip breakfast. These are routines that can help some people achieve success. However, they may not be as important as the mental habits that lead to great leadership.

  • 57% of leaders say soft skills are more important than hard skills
  • 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence

4 Emotionally Intelligent Habits That Can Lead to Success

There are several aspects of emotional intelligence that can help you on your business journey. These include:

  • Self- awareness
  • Self - management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship Management

Emotional Intelligence is the Competitive Edge You Need

Artificial intelligence are other technology innovations are reducing demand for human technical skills, but demand for uniquely human skills (think creativity, communication and emotional expression) is not he rise.

According to a recent survey, the top 3 missing skills among job applicants today are:

  • Innovation/creativity
  • Ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity
  • Communication

Pursuing an MBA Degree

The good news is that emotional intelligence is a flexible skillset that can be taught and improved with practice. A Master of Business Administration degree program can help equip you with essential leadership habits and knowledge about your chosen field.

Learn more about EQ and essential habits for business success in the above infographic created by the online MBA program at Walsh University.