Charity Anne Kurz

Program Chair, Counseling and Human Development


Doctor of Philosophy-Counselor Education

  • The Pennsylvania State University
  • Major: Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Emphasis: Mental Health

Master of Science in Education-Counseling

  • Youngstown State University
  • Program Track: School Counseling

Bachelor of Science in Education

  • Youngstown State University
  • Major: Intervention Specialist Mild/Moderate


Born and raised in Ohio, Dr. Kurz attended Youngstown State University for a bachelor’s in education and a master’s in counseling. During her time as an undergrad student, she had the privilege to serve as a student trustee on the Board of Trustees for Youngstown State University, along with various other student leadership roles. In her doctoral program, Dr. Kurz served as President of Rho Alpha Mu, Penn State’s Chi Sigma Iota chapter. Dr. Kurz has served as a special education teacher and school counselor in various school districts, as well as served in ministry leadership roles. Outside of the schools, Dr. Kurz has served as a career counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She uses her expertise in counseling and helping relationships, children and adolescents, disabilities and school counseling to help students, schools, churches, and families meet the needs of young people. Also, she has a passion to use her skills in a practical way to impact local and global communities. She travels to Latin American countries and provides training and consultation for school personnel and ministries. Her research interests include transitioning students with disabilities to post-secondary options, career development, counseling children and adolescents, global mental health, as well as best practices for online counselor education. She enjoys training and mentoring young people in leadership.


  • Pincus, R., Kurz, C.A., Rock, W.D. (2023). Anti-Racist school counseling practice using a multi-tiered system of supports to address discipline disparities of black male students. (IN PROCESS)
  • Roaten, G. & Kurz, C.A. (2022 publisher approval; 2023 publication date). Counseling pre-adolescents and adolescents. In Leggett, E.S., & Boswell, J. (2022; publisher approved with publication in late 2023). Directive play therapy: Foundations, theories and techniques (2nd Ed.).
  • Hatton, C., Kurz, C.A., & Greiner, A. (2023). It’s a team effort: Collaboration between teachers and professional school counselors. In Griswold, P., Urgolo-Huckvale, M., & McNeal, K. (Eds). Engaging students with disabilities in remote learning environments. IGI Global.
  • Ebersole, D. B. & Kurz, C.A. (2022). B-Well Model in School Counseling using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. In D. E. Jones, K. Miller, & K. B. Hull. Case conceptualization: A biblical wellness approach. Kendall-Hunt.
  • School counselors' responses to high school students with learning disabilities transitioning to postsecondary education (Doctoral Dissertation). ProQuest. (3730652)
  • Herbert, J. T., Hong. B. S. S., Byun, S., Welsh, W., Kurz, C. A., & Atkinson, H. (2014). Persistence and graduation of college students seeking disability support services. Journal of Rehabilitation, 80(1), 22-32.
  • Kurz, C. A., & Kline, K.M. (2014). Collaboration between rehabilitation counselors and secondary educational institutions to optimize successful outcomes for high school students with disabilities. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 45(1), 18-24.


  • Kurz, Charity Anne, Roaten, Gail, & Soto Leggett, M. Elsa. “Preparing School Counselors to Assess At-Risk Students.” Education Session at Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 2023.
  • Pincus, Robert, & Kurz, Charity Anne. “Using MTSS to Create Antiracist Interventions for Discipline.” Session at Summer Counselor Conference, Virtual, August 2023.
  • Shiderly, Shannon L., Rogers, Nicole, Gage, Aliya, & Kurz, Charity Anne. “Using Restorative Practices to Build Empathy.” Education Session at Pennsylvania School Counselor Association Conference, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, December 2022.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne, Ybañez-Llorente, Kathy, & TCA Ethics Committee. “Current Trends in Texas Ethics.” Education Session at Texas Counselor Association Conference, Dallas, Texas, November 2022.
  • Roaten, Gail, Kurz, Charity Anne, & Dillenbeck, Johanna. Ethical Decision Making and Self Harm: Helping School Counseling Students Determine Actions.” Education Session at SACES, Baltimore, Maryland, November 2022.
  • Hatton, Crystal & Kurz, Charity Anne. “School Counselors Serving Students with Disabilities: Legal and Ethical Considerations for Online Learning and Counseling.” Education Session at Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference, Virtual, February 2022.
  • Brown, Tim & Kurz, Charity Anne. “Moving Beyond Cultural Competence: Developing a More Inclusive Multicultural Orientation Through Cultural Humility.” Education Session at Texas Counselor Association Conference, Galveston, Texas, November 2021.
  • Roaten, Gail & Kurz, Charity Anne. “TCA Ethics Committee Presents: Using Ethical Standards and an Ethical Decision-Making Model in School Counseling.” Education Session at Texas Counselor Association Conference, Galveston, Texas, November 2021.
  • Roaten, Gail & Kurz, Charity Anne. “The Case for Counseling: The Importance of Clinical Counseling Skills for School Counseling Students.” Education Session at Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2021.
  • Hatton, Crystal & Kurz, Charity Anne. “The School Counselor’s Role in Promoting Equity in Online Learning for Students with Disabilities.” Education Session at National Summit for Educational Equity, Virtual. April 2021.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne, Hatton, Crystal, & Lima, Samuel. “Making Data Work: How to Make Evidence-Based Decisions in Comprehensive School Counseling Programs. Liberty Spring Student Summit, Virtual. March 2021.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne & Brown, Tim. "Cultural Humility as Advocacy.” Education Session at Texas Counselor Association Conference, Virtual. February 2021.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne. “Crucial Conversations.” Leadership Waxahachie. June 2020.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne. "Effective Communication in the Judicial Process: Jury Selection. Ellis Co. Defense Lawyers. February 2020.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne. "Building Rapport and Trust with Your Clients." Ellis Co. Defense Lawyers. July 2019.
  • Kurz, Charity Anne. “Conflict Resolution.” Leadership Waxahachie. April 2019.

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